The capabilities of the product can be split into three main groups, that is Engineering design, Analysis and Manufacturing. Companies with family-based or platform-driven product strategy make use of this approach for what they need to perform successful design processes is a prescriptive design strategy.

The application is based on the parametric modeling approach, which means that it uses parameters, dimensions, features, and relationships to enable design automation and optimization of design and product development processes. Its users are mostly mechanical engineers, designers and manufacturers. It provides solid modeling, assembly modeling, 2D orthographic views, FEA, direct and parametric modeling, sub-divisional and NURBS surface modeling, and tools for mechanical designers. Had this over on Creo Visualize area but didn't receive any responses.PTC Creo by Parametric Technology Corporation, known as Pro/Engineer is a 3D CAD, CAM, CAE, and associative solid modeling application. stl format files or does it take one of the more advanced (paid for / not Lite) versions to do this? I tried e-drawings and oddly found it will open.

However, Creo View running standalone will open. I’d like our buyer to use Creo View since it will be what he uses with Windchill when we bring purchasing online with Windchill – trying to keep the “view cad models” function to one tool. Often the source Pro/E model hasn’t been checked-in to Commonspace. At this stage the engineer is typically whipping up “what if” scenario parts in Pro/E, sometimes bogus naming for the model (not a real P/N yet), maybe getting a part made via a rapid prototype shop.

stl format files that he often receives as an engineer cc’s him in an email conversation with a supplier for a RFQ. One of our purchasing agents wants a tool that will allow him to view.