It teaches kids an important lesson about being honest from the word go, because if you lie all of the time, when you eventually tell the truth, people won’t believe you. The Boy Who Cried Wolf – This story is from Aesop’s Fables and impresses the importance of being truthful. Related Ancient Nations: A Look At The 10 Oldest Countries in the World Of course, he would beg for forgiveness and when given a chance, ask for his old life back, vowing never to be greedy again! His daughter even turned to gold when she hugged him. However, he became discontent after a while because even his food would turn to gold, so he could not eat it.

One day, a Greek God appeared before him and said that he would grant his desire, so everything he touched turned to gold. Midas and the Golden Touch– This ancient story from Greece describes King Midas as a greedy and resentful man, who loved gold more than anything else. It is then when he realizes that he is not an “ugly duckling” but a beautiful swan like all of the others. After this, the duckling sees his reflection in the water. When spring comes, a flock of beautiful swans descend on the lake, and the duckling, which is now fully grown, but lonely, approaches the swans, fully expecting to be rejected. However, the duckling is afraid of the farmer’s noisy children and flees to a cave by a frozen lake. Seeing the duckling starving in winter, a farmer takes pity on the ugly duckling and gives it food and shelter at home. The sad duckling runs away and lives alone in a swamp until winter comes. Everybody finds the grey duckling ugly, including its mother. The last egg takes longer to hatch, and a strange-looking duckling with grey feathers emerges. The eggs hatch one by one, and soon, six yellow-feathered ducklings are chirping excitedly. The story starts on a farm, where a duck sits on a clutch of eggs to make them hatch. The Ugly Duckling – Created by Hans Christian Anderson, the Ugly Duckling is an excellent story for children with a lovely moral element. Whether your child is afraid of the dark, too hyper to sleep, or wants just to hear a fun and exciting story, there are so many stories out there that range from 2 to 200 pages that will ignite your child’s imagination! 10 Classic Stories to Tell your Children Who is said to have originated the bedtime story?.When should you stop reading bedtime stories to your kids?.Do all bedtime stories have to be short and quick?.Can reading a bedtime story to your children be beneficial?.Ten great books you can read at bedtime.10 Classic Stories to Tell your Children.