“It” places a button (or coin or other object small enough to conceal in a child’s hand) in the hand of one of the students. Choose one student to be “it.” This student stands in the circle while all other students close their eyes and hold their hands open in their laps. Have students sit in a circle on the floor, facing in. In this game, children will have the opportunity to practice being lie detectors. Take time this week to examine your own life for socially acceptable sins and ask God for help remove them from your heart and replace them with his truth. White lies, lies of omission, and flattery with the intent to That many fail to even see absolute truth at all, or fail to see lying as a Lying is such an insidious problem in our society Take time to meditate on this week’s Scripture and Read Scripture references, Exodus 23:1-8, Ephesians Study the background of the Ten Commandments on Wikipedia.See the 10 Commandments for Kids on Sunday School Works.Go Fish Guys sing the 10 Commandment Song.Commandments Preschool Booklet and Mini Book.

Moses and the Law of 10 Commandments (preschool coloring page).Compare our single Preschool Bible Lesson on the Ten Commandments.Compare our single Ten Commandment Sunday School Lesson.See our printable 10 commandments for kids version.Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts.” More ideas for teaching the 10 Commandments Memory Verses: Psalm 119:1-2 “Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. 101-Week 🌞 Curriclum Bundle Deal Free Kids' Bible Lessons PDF FREE Mother's Day Coloring